do something great

You Can Fight Human Trafficking Too! Volunteer for Just Ask Prevention

There are so many things we could discuss in our inaugural blog entry. Everyone at Just Ask has so many positive things to say about our organization. We are all passionate about achieving our goal of eradicating human trafficking and we work hard to accomplish it. We want to put a stop to human trafficking through education, awareness, and outreach. Our goal is for all of you out there to understand that human trafficking is happening every day in ALL our communities and to be able to act upon the warning signs of human trafficking.

In order to achieve this goal, Just Ask conducts community conversations, develops curriculum for local public schools, trains law enforcement and other front line professionals worldwide, partners with other anti-human trafficking organizations throughout the country, conducts youth conferences, and much more. These programs, curriculums, and actions save lives. We at Just Ask are able to accomplish a remarkable amount of things, despite being a relatively small organization. How do we do it? The power behind Just Ask is our volunteers! How did we get so lucky that we are surrounded by a group of incredible volunteers who are willing to share their gifts with Just Ask in order to eradicate the scourge of human trafficking; not just locally, but worldwide?

We are so proud of and grateful for all our volunteers

These incredible individuals work hard every day to help further our mission of ridding the world of the threat of human trafficking. Just Ask could not do its great work and accomplish its mission without them. Members of our team represent our organization at local conferences, research and write about trafficking, put on events, and speak with their communities on our behalf. We hear back from our volunteers that the satisfaction they feel for being a part of our organization and contributing to the eradication of human trafficking is an incredible experience.

Volunteerism is an important part of the United State’s national heritage and is not dead today. Some scholars believe one of the first volunteer enterprises in the US was when Ben Franklin started the first volunteer fire department in 1736. From that point forward, Americans were and still are, hooked on and vested in volunteerism (Ott). You can become part of America’s great volunteer movement by dedicating your time and talents to Just Ask.

Volunteer to stop human trafficking?

Our work is not finished. In fact, our mission, although steadfast and enduring, is constantly evolving. We need people like YOU with the desire to get involved and help. You might think that there’s nothing you can do that will be valuable to the organization, but that’s not true. We need volunteers with all different types of skills and abilities- including yours!

Please consider offering Just Ask your gifts as a volunteer. Our needs are continuous and are critical to the success of our work. Right now, we particularly are in need of Event support, speakers, writers/researchers, student programs and many other things. The bottom line is we need YOU!

To get involved, please visit use our volunteer website. As our Volunteer Coordinator, I will be in touch to talk about the full range of volunteer opportunities available to you. 


Elizabeth Lee

Just Ask Prevention Project Volunteer Coordinator

Work Cited

Ott, Kevin. “History of Volunteerism in America.” LoveToKnow, LoveToKnow Corp,
